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Veneered 3D Panel 60x60 - Sapelli

250NOK + VAT

Time to bet on soundproofing your space? Choose veneered acoustic panels that will discreetly help you get rid of excessive noise and unpleasant echoes that distract, for example, employees in the office or householders staying in the living room. Such are our acoustic wall laths - they fit a variety of spaces, both private and business. The great advantage is that such acoustic panels conveniently hang not only on the wall, but also on the ceiling. This gives you much more arrangement possibilities. The laths on felt shown here are an interesting imitation of wood. The whole solution gains additional visual qualities due to the gaps between the individual slats.

Color Sapelli
Height 60 cm
Width 60 cm
Thickness 1,9 cm
Material Felt
Finishing 1-sided veneer, raw (non-oiled)
Application for the ceiling
for the wall