99446000 eik.tromso@gmail.com

Veneered 3D Panel 60x60 - Chestnut

270NOK + VAT

Want to bring the right acoustics to your interior? The solution is simpler than you think! It turns out that you only need to install acoustic laths in a manner adapted to the room to enjoy their qualities affecting the sound experience. MDF laths will help you forget about the annoying reverberation and, for example, focus on your duties or simply other activities. The presented acoustic panels have such a versatile design that they will successfully work in office or corporate spaces, as well as in various types of waiting rooms or at home. The chestnut color perfectly suits both modern and more classic places. It is an interesting compositional accent in any space.

Color Chestnut
Height 60 cm
Width 60 cm
Thickness 1,9 cm
Material Felt
Finishing 1-sided veneer, raw (non-oiled)
Application for the ceiling
for the wall