99446000 eik.tromso@gmail.com

HDF board panel - Gray

750NOK + VAT

Acoustic wall laths are a solution designed to decorate various spaces in an interesting way. This type of product provides such an opportunity. First of all, it is maintained in a universal gray color, so it fits perfectly into virtually any aesthetic. In addition, you can personalize it according to your needs. You can order the service of additional cutting according to specific parameters, as well as installing LED lights in the gaps between the slats. Thus, such a 3D wall decoration will also perfectly illuminate the entire space, and at the same time quiet it and optimize the reverberation spreading in it. This is an ideal solution for the office and common work space, as well as for the kitchen or hallway.


Color Szary
Height 275 cm
Width 30 cm
Thickness 2 cm
Material HDF board
Finishing 3D - 3-sided laminate
Application for the ceiling
for the wall
Weight 7,5 kg 


Plate color:

