99446000 eik.tromso@gmail.com

3D acoustic panel - Wotan oak

420NOK + VAT

3D panels on felt with dimensions of 60 cm by 60 cm are a very original and practical element of finishing any interior. Slats in the color of wotan oak will prove sensational both in modern and minimalist space, but also in classic, Scandinavian or loft style. Thick black felt has acoustic properties, so it effectively dampens any noise and reduces echo. Noteworthy is the high quality of the 3D panels we offer, interesting design and simple installation, which can be done by yourself with the help of glue. The panels can be installed vertically, horizontally, but also in any configuration, creating a unique geometric pattern.


Color Wotan oak
Height 60 cm
Width 60 cm
Thickness 2,5 cm
Finishing 4D - 4-sided laminate
Application for the ceiling
for the wall
Weight 3 kg