99446000 eik.tromso@gmail.com

3D acoustic panel - Oak veneer

420NOK + VAT

3D acoustic panels on thick black felt are a combination of modern and unique appearance with practical advantages. Thanks to them you can optically enlarge any interior, and at the same time effectively soundproof it and reduce the effect of echo. Each panel has dimensions of 60 cm by 60 cm and consists of twelve individual slats with oak veneer. This is an option for anyone who cares about natural accents in the apartment, house, but not only. Oak veneer fits into any style, including mainly modern, loft, industrial or Scandinavian. 3D panels can be installed independently on the wall and ceiling, in any arrangement - vertically, horizontally or form a geometric pattern.

Color Oak veneer
Height 60 cm
Width 60 cm
Thickness 2,5 cm
Finishing 3-sided veneer, raw (non-oiled)
Application for the ceiling
for the wall
Weight 3 kg